八面玲珑: smooth and able to win favou ...力图: try hard to; strive to讨好: ingratiate oneself with; faw ...所有: own; possess的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...八面玲珑: (原指窗户轩敞, 后借以形容人手腕圆滑, 处事接物面面俱到) be all things to all men; be a perfect mixer in any company; be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations); capable of dealing with all men; clever in dealing with people; (of speech) cover all sides beautifully; manage to please everybody; of a smooth article; sail with every (shift of) wind 他这个人, 见风使舵, 八面玲珑, 说了不少使大家高兴的话。 a weather cock and an artful person, he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people讨好所有的人结果讨不到好: please all and you please none八面玲珑的申小姐: miss shin the single八面玲珑话礼仪: etiquette show处世灵活, 八面玲珑: make oneself pleasant聪明伶俐的,八面玲珑: as bright/cute as a button预先想好所有的方法: plan all the way to the end所有的人: all and sundry; all the world; anyone of us所有的人或物: all; blanket记录好所有: record all outside and inside diameters〔法语〕全世界;所有的人。: tout le monde除他以外所有的人: all save him梦想所有的人们: imagine all the people某地区内所有的人: all the people in a given area所有的人都有理由: all men have a reason but not all men can give a reason表示其余所有的人或物: the others灿烂的微笑对所有的人: and a smile mea除了一个以外,所有的人…: all but one但不能一直愚弄所有的人。: but you can't fool all of the people all the time.〖hotline; you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time